Outta my way. I'm busy. Why are supermarket parking lots so big anyway? All these empty spots...what a waste. Lousy automatic transmission...takes forever to rocket up the lot.
[Jabbering on cel phone: its use that moment possible, because of his lousy automatic transmission] "You're supervisor, you're getting more than minimum wage outta me, you get those guys to do it and get 'em out, so I don't haveta pay them more than four hours. I want it done by the time I'm back from golf."
And why all these Stop signs? — Dammit! Idiots backing outta parking stalls...when I'm flying by! Gonna miss my tee-off time! Gotta park at the front — right in front — right by the front doors.
NO PARKING...yeah, doesn't apply to me...and I'm only gonna be a minute. Drop her off here and wait. Can't miss my tee-off time. What're you looking at?...Hey, I'm not the only one parking in the NO PARKING zone. I'm not right in front anyway...I'm not the problem. She hadta walk fifty feet to the doors. Fifty feet's as far as a mile when you're busy as I am.
Maaan, see that idiot...almost clipped her backing herself out. Maaan, why're there so many bad drivers?...Oughtta be a law.
CHIRRRUPP! "Y'Hello. Yada yada blah important new putter blah. "
She's done. Can't get through there...Maaan, no one's got common sense...I'll go that way, wrong way, but it's only for a sec, I'm quick. I'm good...I should drive race cars.
If I blow this Stop sign, I'm across before that guy...done. Exit's over there. No cars parked here...I'll just cut across all this. DAMMIT! — and she's on a cel phone — she didn't even look!...Oughtta be a law. No, maybe not. But then I'm not like these idiots, I'm no bad driver, I can drive and use my cel at the same time. Not like I'm talking about nothing...not like some people I really should call the cops on. I only talk when it's important. And I'm busy. I've got a business to run...they better have that job done by the time I'm back from golf. Need this phone. Great calling plan...unlimited blahing. Eyesight's gone a little blurry lately...just my right eye...what's that about?
Pick-up truck. Ugly old thing. He'll be there...block my exit. I'll take his lane...muscle by.
CHIRRRUPP..."Y'ello...Can't talk...cutting off someone...I'll make tee-off."
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