Taking a moment, late, during another of these days at work.
Consciously slowed myself, during this making of a tea. Green tea, this time. Sniffed the opened, fragrant jar I keep in my desk. Tipped out a measure of green tea curls. Swirled them around, around, around, the bottom of the cup. They rang like bells. Bells accompanied me, walking to the sink, to the tap, to the water.
It’ll take some more time.
I’m watching the curls unfold, becoming leaves again, swelling, tinging the water green. Not pond green. Nice green.
I’ve only been able to peek inside Protag, so far, these days most recently. Not proper visits. New stuff, everywhere, naturally. A young UK writer is asking around for a read-thru of hers. I’m forever amazed by all the young’uns on Protag. I had the imagination, when I was their age. And grammar basics, sure: rules, that I’ve kinda experimented around a bit too much, perhaps. But can’t say fer sure I was ever as natural a storyteller as so many of these. Lessons and fun, there. And the why I like Protag so very, very much.
Yeah…Bolshe’ added days ago, now…
And Febin’s got tons posted I’ve only glanced at.
And...and Elorithryn...sounds like a party's rocking the Pub...
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!
1 month ago
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