Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ain't Afraid of No Zombies

Bought 2 kilos of Rockets, for Hallowe'en: those tart candies, a fave when I was a kid. Do foresee myself savouring them into the New Year. I may take forever to finish writing projects, but I am disciplined about rationing sugary treats.

Reports are true. Zombies already are ranging freely, shambling along sidewalks, failing to navigate around each other, during Saturday shopping at Superstore.

I've barricaded doors, and windows especially: movie zombies always grab the stupid who stand in front of windows, after all.

I've deleted all that wordy yada'yada re the busy workweek just ended. It's really irrelevant, in light of what this night will bring. Perhaps might have to rush out later, rescue trapped friends, round-up survivors, transport our pitifully small number across a nightmarish city someplace safe, properly illuminated, noisy with music, and twenty-eight floors up.

For the moment, I'll play some more with my NaNoWriMo plot.

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