Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Filled-Up Saturday...and smiling about it

Walked an hour after Saturday shopping. With camera, naturally. Hazy sunshine. Broken sky. Fine enough morning. No specific destination or subject in mind. Filled up my camera. Filled up my head.

Am thinking at last about weekend projects I might actually get to. Writing, I'll say. And...more writing. There are different types of writing I might actually get to, y'see. Here, now, I'm blogging a bit. And there's Protag, naturally — but Protag's for fun, and the camaraderie, and for later, right'right. After working some more on every one of the things underway in my UnderWay folder. My messy NaNo outline has been snoozing too long: I have a fix for it just waiting for a Saturday like this one. And there are contests to search for. Articles and stuff to read. Ideas to jot down. Children of Men is on Space tonight. I have questing to do in Morrowind into Sunday morning, too. I'm busy, okay? There's only so much left of this Saturday that's mine'all'mine!

Nice to be this kind of busy.

Speaking again of Protag: I just added again to Bolsheviki's Mage Hunting. Not a real chapter as such. Only a bit of backstory, for fleshing out some characters. Was fun, though. Drakon wakes in his bed. If you'd like a read, here's the link:

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