Thursday, October 7, 2010

Windowsill Farming

The harvest's in. Cherry Belle radishes. Tiny Tim cherry tomatoes. From the windowsill. From plastic ice cream buckets recycled for this purpose of windowsill farming, and supermarket potting soil. South-facing window.

Vancouver’s summer 2010 essentially over mid-August: am guessing these all would’ve cooked in the south-facing window, if not for the cooler weather.

Naturally, immediately had to sample a little of this bounty. A taste. Each. The radish: satisfyingly crunchy, then the peppery note which kept building. The tomato: tangy, then slurpingly sweet; even though just a wee tomato I held between thumb and forefinger.

All of this windowsill harvest an experiment I’ve long wanted to do.


Unknown said...

the extent of my windowsill farming consists of... a "tropical" plant and a spot of mildew. heck yes!

Burndtree said...

Interesting colours...mildew.
Hardy species, too.
Mildew practically grows itself :)

Am tempted to farm penicillin, next.
Set out bread slices, and so on...