Tonight, I shall be evil.
Yes, after three hundred hours of playing Mister Goody across the vast wastes of my well-enjoyed Game-of-the-Year Fallout 3, tonight I shall start...playing evil.
I haven't completely finished every side quest in the Goody playthrough, not quite. But I've maxed out my stats, acquired more abilities and exotic weaponry than ever I could use. Frankly, it's become boring, inevitably the champion of any fight now. And there's something horrible in my good-character's ability to obliterate even an adversary composed of pixels with a single shot.
I'll return to the Goody game, I will. I am a completionist.
But how now to Be Evil?...Hmmm.
Ugh, if it's as simple and mean as killing every friendly soul my bad-guy comes across, that isn't going to keep me playing more than the weekend. I can see I'll have to reach down inside me, find the evil place. Steal kiddies' teddy bears, perhaps.
That wasn't so hard. Hmmm...I'm somewhat disturbed at the revelation.
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!
1 month ago
I think we all have an evil side, buried deep in us. Most of the time I'm revolted by mine. Everytime I type the name Wholwaski, I shudder inside.
You know him don't you? The evil man from my Phoenix Trilogy? Yeah... him... go read Phoenix Triumphant and then In Support of Vervell.
I am scared that such evilness can come from me. :}
Nasty fellow, the 'Whol', as I call him.
Nick-naming a thing takes away a bit of its magic.
Or villainy.
I figure if we want to create believable stories, we simply have to make the baddies as real-seeming as the good.
And accept as part of the job our trips to the dark side.
It's okay, Elo. You can always destroy him...
...or do we become evil in destroying it?
Hmm, another topic for exploration :)
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