About eighty pounds…That’s all it is. Felt more like…eighty-four. Just tapped the numbers through the calculator here at work. Saturday groceries hauled home in back of the pick-up. Two boxes’ full. Groceries in boxes, rather than twenty pounds of potatoes, and the rest, tumbling about the back of the truck. Also easier then simply carrying in a couple boxes.
Nothin’ there, not really, to rant about.
Grey November morning over Vancouver. Raining round the edges. Mild enough that after hefting in a couple boxes I feel it refreshing running round in a t-shirt.
No rant there…Nope.
Of course, I could work up a full head of steam over my hair-raising adventures bicycle commuting…but I don’t wanna go to the dark side. Not today. It’ll leave me surly as a sith, and I want my head light…comedic, even…because I have my bit for Mage Hunting to edit, tonight, or Sunday, and some plotting to plot; and…possibly even satirical I’d like to plot that plot.
It’s the bike, Monday through Friday. The pick-up on weekends: for the picking-up of things, and gadding about the greater distances. Just gadded the short stretch in to work. A bit of work I want cleared. Blew kisses at the lane-swervers who clearly feel fifteen K over the posted speed limit’s still unbearably slow.
Oooh…careful…almost a rant there. I want to rant, y’see. Only not so I burst a blood vessel.
I did my civic duty this morning – Yesss!
After hefting in potatoes and milk, and whatever I’m having for dinner tonight. Usually, I’ll study the great political issues, listen to the…um, dignified debates. Usually, prepare my list of names: voting for a version of Vancouver’s city council balanced, left and right. But, not this election. A small, hushed-up matter of public money for bailing out a 2010 Olympics developer. So, I voted as only I could…marked the names of every opposition candidate.
As if that should make all the difference...
There. A…rant.
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!
1 month ago
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