Bananas. Bread. Whatever vege is on my list. Canned stuff. Packaged stuff. Efficient as a robot through the sections. Never backtracking. Done in minutes. Dairy and meat, if meat, the very last, logically. Before that, on to my favourite ten to fifteen minutes of getting groceries early Saturday morning at my friendly neighbourhood Great Canadian Superstore. Electronics and DVDs!
Wall.E, the latest Pixar treat recently released to DVD and that BlueRay, on the playbill, playing from 14 inches through 42, across all those nifty display teevees. A couple sets set to closed caption, for the hard of hearing, I'll pop up CC just so I won't miss something in some mumbler movie.
I wouldn't presume to review Wall.E. Didn't buy Wall.E, though I will, sometime. And didn't properly watch it, as such. No couch. No munchies. Not catching it from the start. Only stood there, in the electronics department at Superstore, likely longer than my ten to fifteen, taking it in, between the dry goods and going for milk and meat...or eggs. I'm a flexible, even opportunistic, omnivore. A proper review may pop up here, sometime, for I could do with the writing exercise. But for now then, only proper to leave that to the proper reviewers.
Nooo, mine only in passing like a review. Really, only jottings how I felt about the bits I saw, which had an immediate effect on me. Even though I didn't catch Wall.E from the start, I got it. Immediately. Hit me, just the same as Silent Running hit me as a kid the first time I saw it.
Wall.E's humankind have messed up as badly. Used up the good Earth. Our very last hope germinating in an old boot... .
Now, Wall.E...not the little robot, Wall.E, who's the hero in every way here...but the movie, the movie as idea that is Wall.E, is just this side of eco-heavy-handed. If Silent Running was Bruce Dern's flower power fist held high, Wall.E is the cartoon hand slap across the face. But it's the same message. Can't help myself: I'm wired to like messages along with my pop culture. And Pixar's delivered again, in that wonderful way of theirs, the right dose of lightness and humour, blended with wow'ing technical beauty, that makes it easy to swallow the spoonful of preaching message:
Know where the OFF button is...
Get plenty of we aren't outlived by the cockroaches, and the things we've left on when we go.
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!
1 month ago
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