Well, no, not really any longer, though it was an upset I could've done without this morning. Good title, still.
So the upset has passed. Now, the How I'm going to have to adapt.
One year, since I joined Protagonize. Wow...and I have come to expect Protag will always be there, always part of my day, and every day. Protag's still there. Only I'm not so sure I'll be able to go there just whenever I'd like to, as in when I'm at work. And I suppose I've been very lucky...all of one year of Protagonize, while at work.
Overnight — really — my employer's IT folks plugged in a web filter. No memo email. There had been talk of enforcing internet browsing policy. Understandable, considering the bright ones in every circle who'll open every email, regardless of source, or download whatever, and not ever scan the thing first before running it — assuming they're even aware there's an antivirus app, somewhere, just begging to be used...and updated.
I digress.
I encountered this web filter when it blocked access to Blogger. Social Networking being the issue. The alarming issue. To my mind, nothing more social than Protagonize. I can do without FaceBook and such, but not my Protagonize!
Okay. Not my machine. I'm not paying for the internet access. And I'm being paid to do my job, not fill my head with writing, and reading...and writing. But it's not as if my visits to Protag stopped me doing the job.
I'm making excuses...like I'm guilty of something. I won't apologize for liking having my head in the writing, and ideas, all day. Feels like meditation. The best word. It's late. Of course, I'm home, posting this to Blogger. I've lost the thread of where this was going. But that's okay. It's writing...of sorts.
Happy New Year 2025 To Everyone!
1 month ago
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