Monday, February 25, 2008

Aaah - Cubicle Life!

Terran_Nytefyer just wrote Ah, Cubicle Life! on Protagonize.

Just couldn't resist posting for Message 1 Urgent!
Well, it is meant to be play.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Monster Hour Got Branched!

Yup -- Monster Hour Got Branched. I've written something that folks like enough to add branches to -- which is the whole fun point of playing at Protagonize.

It's dawned on me, tho, that spending myself as I've been doing between playtime at Protagonize and experimenting here at Burndtree -- not forgetting the day job what pays them bills! -- hasn't left me feeling much like the Energizer bunny, with energy remaining to burn doing actual works in progress. And there are a few.

No huge revelation -- nada traumatic -- only one lesson in many I expect. Time to exercise a little self-discipline. Difficult -- when I'm having so much fun.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Warning: R.O.V. No Driver

So. How far can I go, before what I say in this blog, "in public" in other words, becomes libelous? I won't be goin' cutesy, nor clever in anything I say here. I'm angry - REALLY want to ... Whoa, there now, Buddy! Seditious talk's as big a No-No (in non-fiction). They're all just politicians, and big-business types that associate with politicians. They're all just doing what comes naturally to both species. And only taking full and perfectly legal advantage of holes or provisions in legislation that generations of other politicos wracked their combined brains over, for the good of the country, and love of the citizens -- their actual employers -- who pay their salaries, and job-related expenses, and pensions.

I am being cutesy. Just the facts, then:

Translink purview (Vancouver area Transit Authority): Using an operating budget in the billions of dollars, run a transit system, plan and implement improvements and/or expansion, and raise more billions for the next operating budget, so they don't run out.

Up until the end of 2007, Translink was administered by a board of directors gleaned from public office: area mayors, city-councilors, the like. Elected … uh yeah – as in Elected to public office in whichever municipality they arose – however, the mandate for these, for the chosen, somehow grew to encompass serving on Translink. Actually, there were no plebiscites: they were appointed, by a body once known as the GVRD (now Metro Vancouver) – Woohoo! Wonder how much of their budget went to coming up with that name change?!

At the end of 2007, Victoria (our next-up rind of the government onion) dissolved the Translink board of appointees gleaned from political office, and replaced them with appointees gleaned from big business. I shall call this board "Board B", just because.

It's only logical to presume that business folk should have a good grasp of spending money wisely -- as in Getting the biggest bang for the buck. A reasonable expectation in regard to Board B. Time will tell. It has only been a bit more than one month in.

Board B already has managed to raise public ire: enough meetings held in camera, because the unwashed citizenry screaming from the floor makes it that much more time-consuming to pass edicts, and pass over the unimportant.

And now, one month in, the directors of Board B are GETTING A RAISE! -- and one to write home about, as folks used to say.

I need to check facts, but the face filling the teevee that's saying he's got no problem with this is a former Vancouver mayor -- a left-winger -- and friend of the people.

[Tick tock … Time passes].

Turns out he’s Chair of some “steering committee”, which has the blessing of our Provincial Government, et cetera. Simply: a provision in legislation essentially compels Board B to accept the raise without complaint.

Here's the kicker: New Year's 2008 saw transit fare increases!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Finding Protagonize!

I’ve edited this three times - re-written this three times - in as many days.

First time - after finding Protagonize, profiled on CBC Online’s Arts and Entertainment. A collaborative writing playground. Someone starts a story and others add to it. Sounded like so much fun - I had to join.

Second edit - after reading my member profile and taking it like a dare - that I’d written nothing, commented on no one, and had no one comment on me - so I wrote something.

Third edit. Someone liked my seed of a story. No takers on my clumsy branches, tho, or not yet. Didn’t seem right to add to one of my own branches, though I had words scribbled: Play and Collaborating being the Why’s we’re all in there (prob’ly only add my little grafting if Somebody’s Dream withers in the nursery).

Third edit had to be because it was month’s ending at work, billings to calculate and go out, six on a Friday night and all alone and needing my little break - so, munching my O’Henry bar leftover from a Christmas gift basket, savouring hot milky tea, I browsed on over again to Protagonize, and to shorten an out-of-control sentence added a branch to The Castle, by Bexter. About fifty minutes later. Kinda lost track of time there.

Right - right - the link, sorry -

Joining Protagonize takes seconds. I’ve held my breath longer. You can then fill in your author profile: add a picture, blurb about who you are and what you want to do, and link to your website, so folks can see more of you if they want.

Adding your own story is simple and easy, too. Starting with a title. Then typing in all those words(or Copy-Pasting something you‘ve prepared elsewhere on your computer). Almost done - you must add at least two possible directions the story can branch toward - for the next writer to continue. Add a tag line: some hooking phrase. Select PUBLISH.

Adding a branch essentially is the same. Select the story branch you’d like to play with. Write until done. Add your own story branches and leave it for the next person.

I did feel a bit intimidated to start: all these people writing and adding to each other’s writing - and little ol’ me presuming to join in. Haven’t played with collaborative writing like this outside of elementary school. Started reading JunkWorld, by Gaelythe. Couldn’t concentrate on it, because it was lunchtime at work. Felt queasy about trying any branches: What if I can’t get the author’s tone right? - And make a mess of it! That night, at home, stepping out of the shower - really the whole of Somebody’s Dream came to me - in the time it took for the steam to clear off the bathroom mirror. Pity that what I had didn’t fit JunkWorld at all. So I came by my first story for Protagonize.

Still don’t know if I’m doing it right. Figuring that I’ll be forgiven any clumsiness so long as I’m polite - oh, and playful.

Just imagine it - possibly THE most play filled writers’ workshop - maybe learn some new things, maybe a lot - watching how others work the magic - and, together, making worlds from our words!