Thursday, April 28, 2011

On The Bright Side...

Saw my first swallow of the season today.
It barrel-rolled twice across the noonday sun.
Inspiring enough that I might play IL-2 Sturmovik tonight before bed.

What am I thinking? It's bedtime already.

Did a goodly lot of mind-mapping and outlining tonight.
Saw clearly the darker middle of the NaNo project.
Can see all the puzzle pieces fitting into place to the end.

But it's bedtime.
Maybe a little Fallout 3. Half an hour of exploring.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth, Earth

Lamp post will be next.
Just watch.
Even though a green lamp post.
Perhaps it's not 'green' enough.
The tree was green.
And greening, every day greening more.
Look what happened to the tree.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ohh. Yeah. Whatever.

Sometimes it's best just to laugh.

Had to chuck all the blog writin' exercise I was planning on posting here. I'd tapped together a decent paragraph o'humourous rant, about the glacial progress of municipal tree pruning: all while chomping down this morning's breakfast oats. Before heading out for groceries. And tankful of western Canadian gasoline pricier per litre than fine paperbag wine.

But am a stickler for detail, for simply telling the thing right as I can.

I've seen things...since breakfast.

Facts have changed. The rant wouldn't have been right in its details. Fixing the rant would've been more work than fun. And I need fun. I've worked enough. I'd rather write, or play, than work, or rant. Seriously.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gotta Bad Feeling About This...

The No-Parking-We's-Prunin' signs have been up all the past week.

Nothing has happened.

Not yet.

Or better to say...the only thing happening is the trees haven't noticed, have gone on greening over.

Am keeping one eye open.

And an ear...You might guess what I mean. Listening for chainsaws.

If five cherry trees fall in Vancouver, will they make a sound?