Monday, May 24, 2010

"I'm takin' m'four-minute break...It's in m'contract"

Am taking a break on Victoria Day Monday. Reacquainting me'self with the bloggin', in this four minutes while the tea in the ol' smirkin' mug spins on the glass tray inside the microwave.

The best kind of break, this. Am home, not at work, because today's a holiday, exactly. And it's me taking a break in my own day full of some of the doings I haven't been able to get to because of that thing named Work.

It really is a four-letter word: Work. It's been using me up and keeping me from writing, from Protag, from clumsy bloggin', from my better nature and sweet dreams, from family, friends, wine, women, and song. Y'know, I might say "Thanks, I've had enough. Keep your w**k." Can't say when. Some day. I might.

Won't have to, of course, if that golden someday ever comes that w**kers of the world have long dreamed of. The Future so bright...and flying cars...there's a scary vision.

Of course, there's also the thought that connects with the scary vision. Someone's got to maintain those flying cars; or maintain the robots that'll keep them flying. So I suppose there will always be someone, some when, staring up and feeling his existence reduced to a four-letter word. Depressing.

Meanwhile, I'll just have my tea now. Return to outlining, and notes. And whatever might come. And not think about tomorrow morning.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Explorin' the Dark Side

So I've killed my first villager. Bandits earlier attacked a coach on the Rookridge road between Bowerstone and Oakfield. The villager, this sneering opportunist, was looting the dead. Drew my longsword and I whacked him dead. I let him live on my first play-through of Fable 2: I'm playing it darker, this time.

Last time, I rid Albion's adventure-filled lands of monsters and baddies, and the game world changed for the better. I shouldn't go into spoiling specifics: it's enough to say that for every moral act done there was its dark opposite I might have done instead. And the world would have turned out differently at the end.

Let's say I'm exploring the dark side. Will not be simply bad for badness' sake: where's the fun in exploring possibilities at that mindless extreme, eh? I'm striving to be ruthless, this time through. Looking out for Number One, for Me. I want gold: don't care how I get it or how the scales tip.

Looking out for Me and Dog, okay, to be more precise. And My Wife. Wives! — yes, in the plural, because that'd be being wicked, as in bad, as in good for ruthless me. And kiddies — MINE, after all. So, to be as precise as I can be this moment, I'll be looking out for me and mine. Role-playing the best I can my second play-through of Fable 2's idea of an RPG.

Only wondering how I might attain a respectable degree of despicableness without having to kill any more villagers.