Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ol' king crab, sovereign o'his livetank. Barnacles waving on his crusted carapace. Regal. Aloof. C19.99 per pound.
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"Sign your name across my heart" - Terrence Trent Darby's croonin' overhead. See beardguy in black beret, looking French.
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John Irving's on cover of Zoomer magazine. Zoomers, anyone who remembers 3-Mile Island. Also spotted Hunger Games trilogy onSale
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Licorice babies. Jumbo ju-jube sours. Assorted big bubble bubble-gum. Like bulk jewels.
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Am groceries getting. Jotting goodies seen. Nestles Milo. Dunno. Maybe Ovaltine, instead. And nori, roasted, if it's here.
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Saturday, April 14, 2012

A kid chasing soap bubbles across the park. Gleefully chasing them. Mom: "Stay inside the park." He watches them go: "ComeBack!"
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I'd be better off scribbling'thoughts' on back of this morn's grocery list: no 128-character limit; no fiddling thru text-sym...
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At least I've a sunny morn, and parkside view to see out my car-prison window. Thoughts are bouncing all over.
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I'm trapped in the car. Avoiding the neighbours. Using the moment to spend my cell phone balance, before VirginMobile expires it
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