Saturday, August 1, 2009

How Do I Hate Thee?

No, not here. Elsewhere, I'll list the whys.

I've stopped myself polluting my blog, for today, with a particularly witty, I thought, though nasty rant. About so many colliding things I see wrong with this on the plain. I can't call Vancouver a city, not without laughing. And lose the by the sea bit — I'm writing this. Imagery of a mirage of a city splayed like a blurry dream across a broiling plain especially fits, for its ominous connection with a divine smack from on high, impending and even deserved, to my current mind. Of course, it's people who are responsible for the state of...everything. You and me — all of big-U Us — either group-hugging, or snarling, like the animals humans really are. In every small choice we make, we build, or destroy.

I've become a destroyer. In my small way. And actually don't much care. Fed up, after decades of doing my bit so that, as it's turned out, the clearly uncaring, and their progeny, could breathe cleaner air, I've parked my bike. I motor about, these days. Haven't barked once. There is a mean look in my eyes, when I glimpse myself in the mirror. Prob'ly I'm only squinting against the bright sun. I do especially like that because they wouldn't share with skinny me cranking along the road edge they now have to, with five thousand pounds of pick-up truck, and me, grinning, unpleasantly, in front of them.

Have to qualify my meaning there. I care that I don't care. I've lost something more than the daily chance to raise my heart rate.

But, again, the rant of all that won't blacken this blog. While going for groceries this milder morn, I arrived at that decision, and came up with the idea I could do it as a story. A most twisted story. A Rant, for the therapy. And writing exercise. So I can have my rant — make them eat it, too — Mwwaahh'Haa'Haahhh! Already thinking of a pair of characters, opposites, naturally. Really need to get going on my adds over at Protag, tho.

Snapped the reflective pic before work Thursday morn. Went out of my way to find a little quiet worth looking at...[odd sentence, that oddly works].

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