Tuesday, November 30, 2010

NaNo Day 30: Happy, Really

Well, that’s my first NaNo about over.

Nope, did not reach the golden 50-thousand words. Though, now I have vast chunks of a very old project more real than if I hadn’t tried. I’m really happy about that.

A very interesting experience, it was. Learned a lot about how I write, and how I can write. Also, how I get in my own way, worse than all the daily…stuff I call obstacles.

Head’s tired. Not from NaNo, Nooo. There’s a section I’ll be tapping away at tonight before bed.

Friday, November 26, 2010

NaNo Day 26: Lucky Blog’osphere

Oooh, the blog’osphere’s sooo lucky. I just stopped myself posting...a thing. Re-reading it, I got it would’ve been nothin’ but another rant. Work-related, yeahhh. What else, eh?

Nahhh. Good self-edit, that.

Got an idea, tho, when I can get around to doing it, it might make a nice mature-rated Protag rant-exercise. For exorcising the little ranter in us all. Heyyy, that’s good. And I’d want it to be an addventure. Just because I like the branches thingy.


Oh, yeah. Re the NaNoWriMo. Am still at it. Enjoying it, when I can do it. I think it’s better that I self-edit here, and don’t elaborate.

Friday, November 12, 2010

NaNo Day 12: Oop'sied Word Count

Forgot I had another word file I'd been NaNo'ing in. To clarify, there are a pack of these word files in my NaNo folder. Multiple files. Figured it safer to have several, rather than just everything in one file. The Not Putting Everything in One basket precaution. Makes sense, doesn't it? Computers, and e-files, aren't 100% foolproof. Nor am I. What if I oop'sied, deleted my Everything in One basket NaNo file, hmmm? A bit of a disaster, that. And noisy, most probably: I'd be wailing. Oh'yes. Wailing.

Anyway. That's not my way. Each day I write in a new word file. It makes it easy finding content, too. I'll ask myself, "Self, that bit about the brain monkeys. Did make a cute one-liner. It could make a story." Other-Self replies, "I know the bit. Jotted Nov 11. Got it." Just an example.

Back to my forgetfulness. Have these daily NaNo files. I total up the word counts from them. I missed one last night. Because I figured it more important to write than go online and update my NaNo word count total, I hadn't updated the total in a couple days. I forgot to add word counts from TWO days, only added the current one.

Did use the holiday well. Wrote steadily from Nov 10 evening through all Remembrance Day. 5146 words. I'm feeling kinda gleeful about that: I've never had a 5000-word writin' session.


Just remembered another safeguard I should prob'ly do soon. Upload all so far written in an email to myself. An online back-up, let's call that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NaNo Day 9: Today Ate a Gnu I Knew...Not Really, but It's a Title

NaNo's progressing. It's surprising me, really. I knew I hadn't a chance if I started with anything less than basic outline and characters' sketches. Without those, it'd be like striking off on a 50,000 word journey with a song in my heart and no map. Can we picture such as me, novice NaNo adventurer, um, soon lost? And then, wild-eyed and grasping at mirages, cobbling together any last hope? Cobbling say — this NaNo novice's diary, chronicling for the ages my hopeless expedition through the NaNo wilds.

Hmm. Sounds like that might've been fun, too. But, no, I won't have to play with that. That might've made a good exercise for 2009, when I swore myself purple I was just too busy and never started. I made a plan, going into NaNo 2010. 2010 would be different.

I began preparing well in advance. It might've been June, D-Day, Do Day. I would be ready. The Stupid'busy day job stopped me finishing the outline in time for the November 1 start, but I didn't want that to stop me even trying. I tend to complain...probably past the point of it being useful, in private...and make excuses. I've about had enough of my own excuses. Looking back on last Monday, when all this started, there was no good excuse for not starting. Knew my characters: each one's story within the big story. I knew the big story: Beginning, Mid-stuff, and Wow'ser Ending, all logical, and outlined enough. The hard work was done. Mostly, I'm only telling the story now. Heeding the advice of Protag pathfinders, and NaNo navigators gone before, to keep out of my own way.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Big Picture

So I'm not a tripod.
Am a biped.

Have spliced together my double rainbow.
Am going off-line now.
Have 45,000 words still to write.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

2010 NaNoWriMo...A Go'Go! I must be nuts.

Add Gadget. In Blogger's layout design thingy.
Add picture. NaNoWriMo 2010 web badge. From my pc.
Link to NaNoWriMo user.
Save. Done.

If only those 50,000 words come as easily...

Yeah. Officially signed-up.
Web badge looks rather splendid in the sidebar, I'd say.
Can't go wrong with a monkey, eh?
Was 4600 words in, as of this morning, just after my oatmeal, and before rushing about to get to work.