Wednesday, July 8, 2009

QuickJot — Wed., july 8 '09

I've fallen back into an old habit. Not posting until I'm more in the mood, as in feel I can do the thing right, to my satisfaction. It's no writerly calamity. Not even a creative block. Work's been busier, recently. Work, as in day job, and night job, in the busy season, and which ain't writing. There've been other demands demanding the hours I'm awake in every day. I'm tired. And wanting to play. And simply not wanting to have to work at any writing when I'm tired and useless. I like the doing the writing to be fun.

Was just about to stop there.
But the point here is to do the thing. Even when it feels wrong. Because not doing this, saying whatever my excuse for not doing it, falling back into that old bad habit means I don't get my scribbling exercise. And exercise should properly be a daily...exercise, if I'm gonna get the eventual good of it.

Gawd, that hurt. Felt the burrrn. So it's gotta be doing good...

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