Thursday, July 2, 2009

QuickJot...Thurs, July 2 '09...Teatime for My Soul

Lonnnnggg work day.
Taking a break.
Just made a tea. Zapped a mugful of water and teabag three minutes in the microwave. Gave my soul the moment of quiet that was handy.

Pre- the zapping, I lay the teabag on the surface of that water. Did not…repeat…did not break the moment with spoon drowning that teabag. Stood, instead. Watched, instead. Water darkly seeping, sweeping up through the teabag, like the dark sea taking a ship, flooding her to the last bulkhead, and sinking her by the head.

Two sugars. There wasn’t any milk. I wanna go write something.

1 comment:

J said...

milk is overrated.