Saturday, December 10, 2011

Early to Rise...Nuthin' t'see

The less said about the entire workweek, and yesterday...night especially, the better. So, to this Saturday morn!

It's cloudy. That's keeping me indoors and tapping this over the keyboard. Somewhere, other than Vancouver, there's a total lunar eclipse happening. Ah well. Any lunar eclipse is only the good Earth passing between sun and moon, anyway. Just a small wow event for the skywatchers.

Right right, I'm a skywatcher. When local skies cooperate.

I'll go visit skywatcher sites around the web later. Do my oohing-aahing then. Have a list of Saturday doings to get at first. And early. I might as well get to the chores, seeing as there isn't anything wow to see...over in the the sun begins to rise in the east.

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